“Minerals are the principal energy producing components of the human body. It is the relationships between the minerals in your tissues that help determine your physical and emotional destiny. Through an understanding and control of these basic laws of human energy, you can vastly increase the intensity and quality of your life.”

- Dr. Paul Eck -

HTMA + Mineral Balancing

Experience the Transformation of Mineral Nutritional Balancing

Not a quick fix.

Mineral balancing is a very powerful modality, but it also requires a lot of time and dedication.

Mineral balancing is not a quick fix, and the goal is not to suppress or treat symptoms - it is to increase overall vitality and improve the biochemical environment of the body so that your organs can function at peak efficiency.

Your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test will provide a metabolic blueprint of the state of your body chemistry. We will be looking at the results of your hair test as a whole system, not just as individual levels. By increasing vitality and metabolic function, we free your body to release toxins and metals on its own, and to do the deeper healing work in its order.

To learn more about mineral nutritional balancing, click here.

Apply to Start Mineral Balancing

Mineral balancing is a longer-term approach to wellness. I work with clients who are ready to commit to working together for at least 12-16 months. This gives us the spaciousness to work on a much deeper level.

Please fill out the brief form at the link below to be added to my waitlist. I will be sending out emails to the list each month with package details and pricing, availability updates, and opportunities to reserve your spot to get started.

“I had health issues that started from birth, but really intensified in teenage years. Food issues, skin issues, chronic fatigue, depression, brain fog, etc. It felt like my body was shutting down.

I found a functional medicine practitioner in high school that really helped me stay afloat, but that was just about it. I was only staying afloat. I was able to keep my symptoms at bay just enough to function, but it required constant monitoring with supplements and restrictive diets. I stayed in that state for about seven years.

In 2021, I came across Andy Cutler Chelation (ACC). I chelated mercury for over a year and a half and hit my max dose. Though I experienced some improvement through ACC, I still struggled significantly with fatigue, skin issues, and just a general malaise. I was not only still sick physically, but mentally and emotionally distressed as well. Although I felt like I had tried everything to improve my health, I was spinning my wheels.

Since starting mineral balancing with Justine, I’ve experienced multiple improvements in my energy levels and focus, digestion, skin, and tolerance to stress.

We’ve made some adjustments in diet, particularly eating some protein in the morning, which has stabilized my hunger throughout the day.

Days that I would have considered very stressful at work about six months ago are far, far easier. I’m able to get through the day and still have energy at the end 🙂

Also through mineral balancing and emotional work my general outlook has turned from confusion and feeling like I’m grasping at straws with my health, to resting in the fact that my body, mind, and soul are finally headed in the right direction.

I’ve let go of self sabotaging habits, and feel much more peace about my self worth. I find that making healthy decisions continuously gets easier as I feel better, and that just compounds.

Justine is not only sincere, measured, and incredibly knowledgeable as a practitioner, but also a joy to work with overall! Coming across her story a few years ago marked a pivotal change in my own healing journey that felt like it had plateaued at the time. Her experience and work encouraged me (and still does) to dive deeper into what was really going on. From underlying toxicities and true mineral balancing, to emotional blocks and learning to slow down, she has been an integral part of my understanding of those topics - and my healing journey as a whole. I can’t say enough good things!”

~ Lucas ~

“I have been working with Justine for about a year and a half.  It started with a random comment that was made on a mutual IG page regarding MSM and Mercury, but she spoke with knowledge that many practitioners did not have.  She has been through so much, and many of the things she has been through cannot be understood or explained if you have not been through them yourself. 

I have worked with her on clearing Mercury out of my body and understanding that the whole body (both emotional and physical) work together. She has helped (forced lol) me to understand that you cannot do one without the other, as the whole body is connected.  She has proven, repeatedly, that her methods DO work.

However, while I can fully appreciate the medical knowledge and training that she has, what has made her unique to me is her understanding, her own personal experiences that has allowed her to bring light to things because she has been through them.  She has taken the “crazy” out of many things I was going through, because she was able to articulate what I was feeling- both physically and emotionally - , and why I was feeling them, based on what she had personally been through, as well as how to fix them. 

She provided validation to my own feelings, even when I could not, and offered steps towards solutions.  She was kind, caring, compassionate and understanding, not JUST because of her training, but she had been where I was/am.  She was able to speak directly on what I felt because of her own journey and subsequent healing. 

I have worked with many outstanding professionals in my health journey, but nothing compares to someone who has actually been through it.  She shows what it was like for her, isn’t fake in or about her life and she is relatable.  Firm in what she believes but always open to more.  She will not tell you what you need to do, but she will help in guiding the steps on your own healing journey.  She has been a true blessing in my life and I will forever be thankful I have the opportunity to work with her.

~ KZ ~